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over 2 years ago
LFox Admin Application 04-03-2022

First Name: Brian (You can just call me L or LFox)

Timezone: California PST

Country: United States

Current server playtime: 2 Days 1 Hour and 45 min*

Average playtime per week: Haven't been keeping track, but I plan on putting in a lot more hours.

Rank you are applying for: Admin

Age: 26

Why do you wish to have this rank on the server?: I think the community is pretty nice/chill and I want to help the server as much as I can. I want to stick around for a long time and help the community grow. Everyone's been pretty nice.

What do you think you bring forward as a player?: I like to help new players get the hang of things. I'm fairly decent at building and trying to improve. I don't mind helping others build.

Do you have skills in building or java coding?: Fairly decent at building. Trying to improve.

Anything you would like to add you may place here: Wow! Small text! Very cool!

over 3 years ago
LFox Mod Application 9/23/21

First Name: Brian

Timezone: California PST 

Country: United States

Current server playtime: 24 Hours*

Average playtime per week: Going to be working from home soon so I'll have a flexible schedule to help.

Rank you are applying for: Moderator

Age: 25

Why do you wish to have this rank on the server?: It looks like you guys have a nice community and I want to help out/give back.

What do you think you bring forward as a player?: I can help new players by making them feel welcome, give them a few items to start out or just help out with building or fighting. I've been playing since I think 2014 so I'm fairly experienced with the game.

Do you have skills in building or java coding?: Sadly not really. Attempted to learn a long time ago. I swear I fix one problem and two more pop up.

Anything you would like to add you may place here: My playtime was over 20 hours last I checked but then it kinda glitched out because I did I typed "/playtime" twice. Vince said to just consider myself at 24 hours. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a mod. Glad to be a part of the community.


Hey wow look at this text. It's so small. Why are you wasting time reading the tiny text? Bye.

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