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AquaCyan2828's Admin Application 9-25-21
Started by AquaCyan2828



09 Sep 2021
Last Seen
12 Jun 2022

First Name: Hannah (Can just call me Cyan or Aqua)

Timezone: California PST 

Country: United States

Current server playtime: 1 Day 20 Hours*

Average playtime per week: I can't math but i think it's like 12 hours a week at the very least

Rank you are applying for: Admin

Age: 23

Why do you wish to have this rank on the server?: I love the large community and I want to help the server as much as I can. Volunteering my time is very fulfilling for me if I put it towards something I really enjoy. The staff team has been really fun to work with and I think we make a great team. Everyone has been so kind and helpful! I always try to do my best and be there for everyone as much as i can and I always bring important matters to the attention of our server owners and staff team when necessary. 

What do you think you bring forward as a player?: I hoard items and I love to help new players get the hang of things. If anyone needs items that I may have extras I am more than willing to help. I also like to encourage people who do their best at building because everyone has potential to build great things!

Do you have skills in building or java coding?: I build boxes lol but I am trying to get better at it. I think I'm better at interior decorating. No java coding experience aside from adjusting config files for mods if that counts. Update: My boxes still need work lol

Anything you would like to add you may place here: Playtime command got a little messed up so I'm not sure exactly how much playtime I have. I just put the last officially correct number I have seen here on the application. 

AquaCyan2828 · over 2 years ago


05 Sep 2021
Last Seen
25 Jun 2022

This application has been approved, we are overjoyed to have you working with us and look forward to continuing in the future!

vincemarz · over 2 years ago